Are Parsnips Low FODMAP

Are Parsnips Low FODMAP? A Quick Answer for Your Diet Concerns

If you’re looking to find out whether parsnips are low in FODMAP, you’ve come to the right place!

Parsnips, a popular root vegetable, might be a concern for those following a low-FODMAP diet. The good news is that parsnips are considered low FODMAP at specific serving sizes.

In this guide, we tell you how to add parsnips safely to a low FODMAP diet.

What Are Parsnips? Are Parsnips Low FODMAP?

Are Parsnips Low FODMAP?

Parsnips are a root vegetable similar to carrots but with a creamier color and a slightly sweeter taste. They are low in FODMAPS too.

They’re popular in various dishes, including roasted vegetable medleys, soups, and even as fries. Parsnips can be an excellent addition to your healthy diet, providing plenty of nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, and fiber.

Health Benefits and Nutrition Facts – Parsnips (per 100g)

Nutrient Amount
Calories 75
Protein 1.2g
Fat 0.3g
Carbohydrates 18g
Fiber 4.9g
Sugars 4.8g

Parsnip FODMAP Breakdown (per serving suggestion)

FODMAP Type Glucose Fructose Excess Fructose
Fructans N/A N/A N/A
Others Present Present Absent

How To Prepare Parsnips

When preparing your parsnips, ensure to wash, peel, and remove the woody core, as this part can be quite tough to eat.

Then, you can chop, boil, roast, or mash them according to your preference. Because of their creaminess and natural sweetness, parsnips make a fantastic substitute for potatoes in recipes like mashed potatoes or even in a shepherd’s pie.

Serving Size

According to the Monash University Low FODMAP Diet app, one medium parsnip (approximately 2.65 oz) per meal should not worsen symptoms of IBS. You can consider keeping the portion size to one-fourth to one-half cup of mashed parsnips. This range helps ensure that you’re staying within low FODMAP guidelines for parsnip consumption.

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Alternatives to Parsnips for a Low FODMAP Diet

Are Parsnips Low FODMAP?


These make an excellent replacement for parsnips, thanks to their natural sweetness and similar texture. Roasting carrots with a touch of olive oil and a sprinkling of your choice of herbs will give you a deliciously satisfying side dish that is both low in FODMAPs and nutritious.


Turnips are another great substitute to consider. They have a mildly sweet taste, and their texture is quite similar to parsnips when cooked. You can roast them, boil, or even puree them into a creamy soup for a low FODMAP dish that’s both comforting and delicious.


Also known as Swedes, Rutabagas are also a tasty alternative and can be cooked in many of the same ways as parsnips. They are delicious roasted, mashed, or featured in a winter stew. Just like parsnips, rutabagas add a sweet, earthy flavor unique to root vegetables without contributing to high FODMAP levels.

Celery root (celeriac)

Celery is another option for a low-FODMAP side dish. While it doesn’t look like much from the outside, the tender, flavorful inner part of celery root is fantastic when cooked. It has a unique flavor that resembles a mix between celery and parsley. You can enjoy celeriac roasted, steamed, or mashed.

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How to Include Parsnips in a Low FODMAP Diet

Mix with other root vegetables

Add variety to your meals by combining parsnips with other low FODMAP root vegetables, such as carrots . You could roast them together with a few sprigs of rosemary for a delicious and gut-friendly side dish.

Experiment with different cooking methods

Parsnips can be enjoyed in various ways, such as roasted, grilled, or mashed. You might discover that certain cooking methods agree better with your digestive system. Feel free to get creative and try out different recipes to find your favorite way to enjoy parsnips.

Limit Portion Sizes

As mentioned earlier, moderation is key! Limit your consumption and you should be fine!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do parsnips affect IBS symptoms?

As a low FODMAP vegetable, parsnips can be a suitable choice for those with IBS, depending on individual tolerance.

When consumed in appropriate serving sizes, parsnips may not trigger IBS symptoms. However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s tolerance to FODMAPs is different, so you should pay attention to how your body responds after eating them.

Are there any FODMAP-free foods similar to parsnips?

While it’s challenging to find a FODMAP-free food that closely resembles parsnips in taste and texture, there are some alternatives you can explore.

Carrots, for example, are a low FODMAP option with a similar earthy sweetness that can be prepared in similar ways to parsnips, such as roasting or mashing. Remember, it’s essential to continue diversifying your diet and try different low-FODMAP foods to find the ones that work best for you.

Conclusion – Are Parsnips Low FODMAP?

Parsnips are okay to include in a Low-FODMAP diet. The recommended serving size of parsnips for individuals following a low FODMAP diet is up to ½ cup (75 grams) per serving. This amount is generally considered to be better tolerated by those with sensitive digestive systems.

However, it’s essential to remember that individual tolerance to FODMAPs can vary. Some people may be more sensitive to certain FODMAPs than others, and portion sizes can also impact tolerance.

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