Are Artichokes Low FODMAP

Are Artichokes Low FODMAP? Know The Facts!

Are you following a low FODMAP diet and wondering, Are artichokes low FODMAP?

The short answer is yes, artichokes are low FODMAP. According to a study published in the Journal of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, artichokes are considered a low-FODMAP food and can be safely consumed in moderate amounts by people with IBS.

However, it’s important to note that the serving size and preparation method can affect the FODMAP content of artichokes. Keep reading to learn more about the FODMAP content of artichokes and how to incorporate them into your low FODMAP meal plan.

Are Artichokes Low Fodmap?

Are Artichokes Low FODMAP

If you’re following a low FODMAP diet, you may be wondering if artichokes are safe to consume. The answer is yes, in moderation, artichokes can be low FODMAP. However, it depends on the serving size.

According to a study published in the Journal of Human Nutrition and Dietetics, 1/2 cup of canned artichoke hearts was found to be low in FODMAP. However, larger serving sizes can contain moderate to high amounts of FODMAPs.

It’s important to note that artichokes contain inulin, a type of carbohydrate that can be difficult to digest for some people. Inulin is a FODMAP, but it’s not the only one found in artichokes. Artichokes also contain fructans, which are a type of oligosaccharide FODMAP. That is why, you must limit your intake of this vegetable if you have IBS.

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What Are Artichokes?

Artichokes are a type of vegetable that is a member of the thistle family. They are native to the Mediterranean region and have been cultivated for centuries for their edible flower buds. Artichokes are a great source of nutrients, including fiber, vitamins C and K, and minerals like potassium and magnesium.

Flavor and Texture

Artichokes have a unique flavor and texture that make them a popular ingredient in many dishes. They can be eaten raw or cooked, and are often used in salads, dips, and pasta dishes. The most common way to prepare artichokes is to steam or boil them until they are tender, and then remove the edible parts of the flower bud, which include the heart and the meaty base of the leaves.

Here’s a nutrition table for a 1/2 cup serving of canned artichoke hearts:

Total Fat0.5g
Total Carbohydrates9g
Dietary Fiber6g

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Here’s a table for Glucose, Fructose and Excess Fructose per serving suggestion:

Excess Fructose0g

If you’re unsure about whether or not artichokes are safe for you to eat, it’s best to consult with a registered dietitian who can help you determine your individual tolerance levels.

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Benefits of Artichokes for a Low Fodmap Diet

Are Artichokes Low FODMAP

In moderation, artichokes are low in FODMAPs and can provide several benefits to your digestive health.

Nutritional Value

Artichokes are a good source of fiber, vitamin C, and antioxidants. One medium artichoke contains about 7 grams of fiber, which can help promote regular bowel movements and improve overall digestive health. Additionally, artichokes are rich in vitamin C, which can boost your immune system and protect against chronic disease.

Digestive Health

Artichokes contain compounds that can help improve digestive health. One of these compounds is cynarin, which can stimulate bile production and aid in the digestion of fats. Artichokes also contain inulin, a prebiotic fiber that can promote the growth of beneficial gut bacteria and improve overall gut health.

When incorporating artichokes into your low FODMAP diet, it is important to pay attention to serving sizes. While artichokes are low in FODMAPs, eating too much at once can still cause digestive discomfort. A serving size of one medium artichoke or 1/2 cup of canned artichoke hearts is considered low FODMAP.

Choosing and Preparing Artichokes for a Low Fodmap Diet

Artichokes are a delicious and nutritious vegetable that can be enjoyed as part of a low FODMAP diet. Here are some tips for choosing and preparing artichokes to ensure they are low FODMAP.

Fresh vs Canned

Fresh artichokes are the best choice for a low FODMAP diet. Canned artichokes may contain high FODMAP ingredients, such as garlic and onion, that are used in the canning process. If you do choose to use canned artichokes, be sure to check the label for any high FODMAP ingredients. Look for canned artichokes that are packed in water, rather than oil or brine.

Cooking Methods

There are several cooking methods that can be used to prepare artichokes for a low FODMAP diet. Here are some options:

  • Boiling: Boiling artichokes is a simple and effective way to cook them. Simply trim the artichokes, remove the outer leaves, and boil them in salted water for about 30-40 minutes, or until tender.
  • Steaming: Steaming artichokes is another great option. Place the trimmed artichokes in a steamer basket over boiling water and steam for about 30-40 minutes, or until tender.
  • Roasting: Roasting artichokes is a delicious way to prepare them. Simply trim the artichokes, remove the outer leaves, and roast them in the oven with some olive oil and salt for about 30-40 minutes, or until tender.

No matter which cooking method you choose, be sure to remove the outer leaves and choke before eating. The heart and bottom of the artichoke are the most tender and low FODMAP parts, so be sure to enjoy those!


In conclusion, a small serving of artichokes is considered low FODMAP and can be safely consumed by those following a low FODMAP diet. However, it is important to keep in mind that serving size and preparation method can impact the FODMAP content of artichokes.

If you are looking to incorporate artichokes into your low FODMAP diet, it is recommended to stick to a serving size of ½ cup canned or 1 medium fresh artichoke. Additionally, it is important to avoid consuming the artichoke heart, as it contains higher levels of FODMAPs.

When it comes to preparation, boiling or steaming artichokes is the best method to reduce FODMAP content. Avoid using garlic or onion in your preparation, as these ingredients are high in FODMAPs.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are artichoke hearts safe to eat on a low FODMAP diet?

Yes, artichoke hearts are considered low FODMAP and can be safely consumed in appropriate portions. The Monash University Low FODMAP Diet App lists canned artichoke hearts as low FODMAP in servings of 1/2 cup or 75 grams. Fresh artichoke hearts are also low FODMAP in servings of 1/2 cup or 38 grams.

However, it’s important to note that the stem and outer leaves of the artichoke contain higher amounts of FODMAPs and should be avoided or limited on a low FODMAP diet.

What FODMAPs are present in artichokes?

Artichokes contain the FODMAPs fructans and oligosaccharides. Fructans are chains of fructose molecules that can be difficult for some people to digest. Oligosaccharides are short chains of carbohydrates that can also be difficult to digest.

The amount of FODMAPs in artichokes varies depending on the part of the plant and the serving size. As mentioned earlier, the stem and outer leaves of the artichoke contain higher amounts of FODMAPs and should be avoided or limited when on a low FODMAP diet. However, the edible portion of the artichoke, including the heart and inner leaves, is considered low FODMAP in appropriate servings.

It’s important to consult a registered dietitian or healthcare professional before starting a low FODMAP diet to ensure that it is appropriate for your individual needs and to receive guidance on appropriate portion sizes and food choices.

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