are marshmallows low FODMAP

Are Marshmallows Low FODMAP? A Concise Analysis!

If you’re considering a low FODMAP diet, you might be wondering – are marshmallows low FODMAP.

Marshmallows are generally low in dextrose, corn syrup, and other FODMAP sugars. However, they still contain some form of sugar, which can cause gas and bloating. So, it is advisable to limit your intake.

In this guide, we tell you how to choose marshmallows that won’t affect your FODMAP intake.

What Are Marshmallows Made Of?

are marshmallows low FODMAP

Marshmallows are a popular sweet treat that can be enjoyed on their own or used as a key ingredient in various dishes. When it comes to determining if they are low FODMAP, it’s essential to understand what they are made of.

The primary ingredients found in marshmallows include sugar, water, gelatin, and corn syrup. The sugar and corn syrup provide sweetness and softness, while gelatin gives marshmallows their signature fluffy texture. Additionally, flavoring and coloring agents are often used to create different varieties of marshmallows.

Are Marshmallows Low FODMAP?

are marshmallows low FODMAP

To answer this question, let us first understand what FODMAPS are:


FODMAPs are short-chain carbohydrates that can be difficult for some people to digest, leading to symptoms like bloating, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. A low FODMAP diet can help alleviate these symptoms for individuals with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and other digestive disorders.

FODMAP and Sugar in Marshmallows

While marshmallows are not specifically included in most low FODMAP lists, you can still assess their possible FODMAP content by examining their main ingredients.

Sugars commonly found in marshmallows include glucose and fructose, which are both FODMAPs. However, since marshmallows are mainly made up of sugar, their overall FODMAP content may still be low. In fact, moderation is key when consuming any type of sweet treat, FODMAP content notwithstanding.

Nutrient Profile of Marshmallows

Here is a sample nutrition table for marshmallows:

NutrientAmount per serving
Carbohydrates22 g
Sugars17 g
Protein1 g
Fat0 g
Sodium20 mg

And here is a table for Glucose, Fructose, and Excess Fructose per serving suggestion:

Sugar typeAmount per serving
Glucose10 g
Fructose7 g
Excess Fructose0 g

While marshmallows might not cause severe symptoms for some individuals, it’s essential to remember that everyone’s tolerance to FODMAP content may vary. You should consult with a healthcare professional or dietitian to determine the best course of action when incorporating marshmallows into your low FODMAP diet. They can guide you in determining the appropriate serving size to avoid triggering any adverse reactions.

Factors Impacting FODMAP Content in Marshmallows

are marshmallows low FODMAP

When considering whether marshmallows are low FODMAP, it’s important to understand the factors that impact their FODMAP content.


Firstly, you should be aware of the main ingredients present in marshmallows. The primary components include sugar, corn syrup, gelatin, and flavorings. Sugar and corn syrup are potentially high FODMAP ingredients, while gelatin and flavorings are generally considered low FODMAP. Depending on the specific recipe and ingredients used, the FODMAP content in marshmallows may vary.

Portion Size

Another factor to consider is the portion size. As with many foods, the FODMAP content can be significantly influenced by the amount consumed. Consuming a small number of marshmallows may not cause significant issues for those with IBS, but larger portions could potentially lead to increased symptoms.

Try Homemade Marshmallow

For those who are particularly sensitive to FODMAPs, it may be beneficial to opt for homemade marshmallows or those made with low FODMAP ingredients.

When preparing homemade marshmallows, you can replace high FODMAP ingredients, like corn syrup, with suitable low FODMAP alternatives such as glucose syrup or rice malt syrup. Similarly, you can choose natural flavorings like vanilla extract, which is low FODMAP.

Alternatives for Low FODMAP Sweet Treats

is chocolate low FODMAP

If you’re following a low FODMAP diet, you might be wondering about suitable sweet treats. While marshmallows might not be the best choice due to their high fructose content, there are plenty of other options for you to enjoy.


Try fresh fruit such as strawberries, grapes, or pineapple, which are all considered low FODMAP and can help satisfy your sweet tooth. You can also create a simple fruit salad by mixing these fruits together and adding a squeeze of fresh lemon or lime juice for extra flavor.

Dark Chocolate

Dark chocolate is another great option for a low FODMAP sweet treat. Stick to small portions (up to 30g) to stay within FODMAP guidelines, but don’t hesitate to savor its rich and satisfying taste. You can even dip your low FODMAP fruits into melted dark chocolate for an indulgent dessert.

Low FODMAP Baked Goods

When it comes to baked goods, opt for recipes that use gluten-free flour and sweeteners that are low in FODMAPs such as maple syrup or rice malt syrup. There’s no need to miss out on your favorite cookies, muffins or cakes – just modify the ingredients to suit your dietary needs.

Finally, consider trying some low FODMAP snack bars or protein bars available in specialty stores or online. These can be a convenient on-the-go option and can easily satisfy your sweet cravings. Just be sure to check the label to ensure the product is truly low in FODMAPs and doesn’t contain any hidden triggers.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is marshmallow fluff suitable for a low FODMAP diet?

Marshmallow fluff, like most marshmallow products, contains sugar and other ingredients which might not be ideal for individuals following a strict low FODMAP diet.

While it’s not high in fermentable oligo-, di-, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAPs), marshmallow fluff also doesn’t offer significant nutritional benefits. It’s important to remember that low FODMAP diets primarily focus on reducing foods high in FODMAPs while also promoting a more balanced, nutritious diet.

You may still enjoy marshmallow fluff in moderation if your tolerance for sucrose (table sugar) is not significantly affected by your low FODMAP diet. Make sure to read the product label to identify any additional ingredients that might trigger IBS symptoms or not comply with your dietary plan.

Can IBS sufferers eat marshmallows?

IBS sufferers can consume marshmallows, as long as they do so in moderation. Marshmallows are typically low in FODMAPs, but they are also not particularly nutritious.

Eating a balanced and healthy diet is an essential part of managing IBS symptoms, and indulging in sugary snacks like marshmallows should be done in moderation.

Because food tolerance can vary greatly among individuals with IBS, it’s essential to pay attention to your symptoms when consuming marshmallows or any other low-FODMAP foods. If you notice an increase in symptoms or discomfort after eating marshmallows, it may be best to avoid them.

Conclusion – Are Marshmallows Low FODMAP?

Marshmallows are generally considered low FODMAP as they do not contain too many FODMAP sugars. However, they still contain considerable sugar which can result in gas and bloating. So, it is best to limit your intake.

Also, read the ingredient list on the individual brand of marshmallows. If you are uncertain, please consult your dietician.

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