is jackfruit low FODMAP

Is Jackfruit Low FODMAP? Explore the Fruit’s Digestibility!

Have you ever wondered – is jackfruit low FODMAP? Unfortunately, the answer is not straightforward. Fresh, moderately ripe, yellow jackfruit is generally low FODMAP and may be tolerated by those with IBS. Similarly, unripe jackfruit is also low in frucotse and generally well-tolerated.

However, overripe jackfruit, canned jackfruit, and some freeze-dried jackfruit brands may contain ingredients that could trigger your symptoms.

In the following article, we’ll explore how jackfruit measures up and whether it could be a suitable option for your diet.

Is Jackfruit Low FODMAP?

As stated earlier, the FODMAP content of jackfruit will depend on its ripeness. In this section, we will discuss the differences in FODMAP content between ripe and unripe jackfruit.

Ripe Jackfruit

As jackfruit ripens, the content of fructose increases significantly. Fructose is a type of FODMAP that can be difficult for some people to digest, especially those with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS).

Therefore, consuming ripe jackfruit in large quantities may cause digestive issues for people following a low FODMAP diet. Enjoying small servings of ripe jackfruit should not pose a problem for most individuals.

Nutrition Table

NutrientAmount per 100g

Glucose, Fructose, and Excess Fructose per Serving Suggestion

IngredientGlucose (g)Fructose (g)Excess Fructose (g)
Ripe Jackfruit (100g)11g8g0g

Unripe Jackfruit

Unripe jackfruit, on the other hand, has a lower fructose content and can be a better option for those following a low FODMAP diet.

When consumed in moderation, unripe jackfruit can provide a range of nutrients without triggering IBS symptoms. As jackfruit matures, its starch content decreases, making it easier to digest.

Nutrition Table

NutrientAmount per 100g

Glucose, Fructose, and Excess Fructose per Serving Suggestion

IngredientGlucose (g)Fructose (g)Excess Fructose (g)
Unripe Jackfruit (100g)9g4g0g

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Serving Suggestions for Low FODMAP Jackfruit

is jackfruit low FODMAP

Preparing delicious low FODMAP meals with jackfruit can be a delightful experience. Here are a few suggestions to help you get started with incorporating unripe jackfruit into your diet.

Green jackfruit salad

You can create a fresh and flavorful salad by combining shredded unripe jackfruit with your favorite veggies, such as bell peppers, cherry tomatoes, and cucumbers. Add a dressing prepared with lemon juice, a little olive oil, and a sprinkle of salt and black pepper to taste. Toss everything together and enjoy a satisfying, low-FODMAP meal.

Jackfruit tacos

Amp up your taco game by substituting traditional meat fillings with cooked, unripe jackfruit. Start by sautéing the jackfruit in a little garlic-infused oil (ensuring it’s a low FODMAP variety) and your choice of suitable herbs and spices. Assemble your tacos using corn tortillas, seasoned jackfruit, and an assortment of low FODMAP toppings like lettuce, tomatoes, and a dollop of lactose-free sour cream.

Jackfruit curry

Savor the exotic flavors of South Asia while adhering to low FODMAP guidelines with a tantalizing jackfruit curry.

Begin by simmering the unripe jackfruit in a homemade tomato-based sauce, adjusting the spice levels to your liking. Ensure the aromatic spices are within low FODMAP limits, such as coriander, turmeric, cumin, peanut powder, and a hint of asafoetida. Serve your jackfruit curry with a low FODMAP-friendly side of rice, buckwheat, or quinoa.

Benefits of Including Jackfruit in a Low FODMAP Diet

Jackfruit is a versatile and delicious fruit that can provide several health benefits. While it seems that the content of the FODMAP fructose increases significantly as the jackfruit ripens, eating jackfruit in moderation could still be a valuable addition to your low FODMAP diet.


Firstly, jackfruit is rich in nutrients such as vitamin C, potassium, and dietary fiber. Incorporating jackfruit into your meals can help support a healthy immune system, promote proper digestion, and maintain overall wellness.


Moreover, jackfruit is a very versatile ingredient that can be used in a wide array of dishes. You can enjoy unripe jackfruit as a meat substitute in savory dishes like curries, tacos, and sandwiches. Ripe jackfruit is naturally sweet and can be added to smoothies, and yogurt, or even used as a dessert topping.

Mind Your Portions

It’s essential to pay attention to portion sizes when including jackfruit in your low FODMAP diet. As mentioned earlier, the FODMAP content of jackfruit increases with ripeness. So, opt for unripe or less ripe jackfruit, and limit your intake to ensure you are not consuming excessive amounts of FODMAPs.

Precautions and Potential Side Effects

understanding FODMAP

Jackfruit is a delicious and nutritious option for many people. However, if you’re following a low FODMAP diet, it’s essential to be cautious as it may not be suitable for everyone. FODMAPs are carbohydrates that could cause bloating and discomfort in those with a sensitive gut or irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Some parts of the jackfruit have been found to contain high FODMAP levels, so be mindful of your consumption if you’re following a low FODMAP diet1.

Besides its FODMAP content, jackfruit is generally safe to consume. However, there are a few potential side effects and precautions to be aware of:

Allergic reactions

While rare, some people may experience an allergic reaction to jackfruit2. If you’ve never tried it before, start with a small amount and monitor for any symptoms such as itching, swelling, or difficulty breathing.

Gastrointestinal issues

For some, eating too much jackfruit might cause mild gastrointestinal issues such as gas, bloating, or diarrhea. It’s good practice to limit your intake and observe how your body reacts.

Blood sugar levels

Jackfruit has a low glycemic index, but ripened fruit contains natural sugars. If you’re monitoring your blood sugar levels, remember to account for its sugar content.

Interference with medications

Jackfruit contains bioactive compounds that could interfere with certain medications4. If you’re on any prescription drugs, consult your doctor before incorporating jackfruit into your diet.

Also Read : Are Clementines Low FODMAP

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some good low FODMAP jackfruit recipes?

There are several delicious low FODMAP jackfruit recipes that you can try. Some popular options include jackfruit tacos, BBQ pulled jackfruit sandwiches, and jackfruit curry. Remember to use unripe, canned jackfruit in water or brine, as ripe jackfruit can be high in FODMAPs due to fructose content increasing as it ripens .

Are there low carb options for jackfruit?

Yes, there are low-carb options for jackfruit, particularly when using unripe jackfruit. Since unripe jackfruit has a lower sugar content, it can be a suitable choice for those watching their carbohydrate intake. You can create low-carb dishes by pairing jackfruit with vegetables, proteins, and low-carb alternatives such as cauliflower rice or lettuce wraps.

How nutritious is jackfruit in comparison to other fruits?

Jackfruit is a nutritious fruit with several health benefits. It is a good source of dietary fiber, vitamin C, and the B-complex vitamins. Additionally, jackfruit provides minerals like potassium, magnesium, and manganese. Although it is not as nutrient-dense as some other fruits, it is still a healthy addition to your diet.

Is jackfruit safe for IBS and SIBO sufferers?

Jackfruit can be safe for IBS and SIBO sufferers when consumed in appropriate portions. It’s important to note that unripe, canned jackfruit in water or brine is lower in FODMAPs than ripe, fresh jackfruit. A low FODMAP diet can help alleviate symptoms in IBS patients . When incorporating jackfruit into your diet, start with small servings and gauge how your body responds.

What are some popular low FODMAP-friendly jackfruit dishes?

Popular low FODMAP-friendly jackfruit dishes include vegetarian jackfruit lettuce wraps, jackfruit stir-fry, and jackfruit-stuffed peppers.

To ensure that these dishes remain low in FODMAPs, use unripe, canned jackfruit in water or brine and combine it with low FODMAP vegetables, seasonings, and other ingredients. This allows you to enjoy the unique texture and taste of jackfruit while sticking to your low FODMAP diet.

Conclusion – Is Jackfruit Low FODMAP

In summary, unripe jackfruit can be a delicious and nutritious addition to your low FODMAP diet. If you have concerns about potential side effects, take precautions and consider discussing your options with a healthcare professional. Enjoy responsibly, and happy eating!

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